Grid electron tube with a folded cavity structure
Grid structure for certain plural mode electron guns
Grid support structure for an electron beam device
Grid-drive type display apparatus
Gridded electron power tube
Grooved multi-stage depressed collector for secondary...
Gullwing distortion corrected deflection circuitry for a square-
Gullwing distortion correction circuit
Gun-only magnet used for a multi-stage depressed collector...
Gyro-TWT stabilization method using coupled lossy waveguide
Gyroklystron device having multi-slot bunching cavities
Gyromagnetron amplifier
Gyrotron apparatus having vibration absorbing means
Gyrotron apparatus including reflecting cylinders which provide
Gyrotron capable of outputting a plurality of wave beams of elec
Gyrotron cavity resonator with an improved value of Q
Gyrotron device
Gyrotron device
Gyrotron device
Gyrotron device