Standing wave particle beam accelerator having a plurality...
Standing wave particle beam accelerator having a plurality...
Standing wave particle beam accelerator with switchable beam...
Standing-wave accelerating structure with different diameter bor
Standing-wave accelerator
Standing-wave linear accelerator
Starfish bunched electron beam converter
Strong permanent magnet-assisted electromagnetic undulator
Sub-nanosecond rise time multi-megavolt pulse generator
Submillimeter wave generation using surface acoustic waves in pi
Superconducting accelerator cavity with a heat affected zone hav
Superconducting electron beam generator
Supporting system for the delay line of a travelling wave tube
Surface conduction electron-emitting device
System and method for recovering power from a traveling wave tub
System and method for regulating cathode ray tube beam...
Tapered traveling wave tube
Television cathode ray tube having a voltage divider providing t
Terahertz sheet beam klystron
Textured carbon surfaces on copper by sputtering