Resonant cavity having a coupling oriface facilitate coupling to
Resonant cavity tubes
Reversible periodic magnetic focusing system
RF source including slow wave tube with lateral outlet ports
RFQ accelerator tuning system
Ring-and-bar slow wave circuits employing ceramic supports at th
Robust pierce gun having multiple transmitting and emitting...
Robust RF interface in a TWT
S-Band standing wave accelerator structure with on-axis couplers
Selectively damped travelling wave tube
Self-biasing collector elements for linear-beam microwave tubes
Self-focusing linear charged particle accelerator structure
Shielded helix traveling wave cathode ray tube deflection struct
Shielded serpentine traveling wave tube deflection structure
Side-coupled standing-wave linear accelerator
Simplified resistive lens electron gun with compound linear volt
Slotted dielectric-lined waveguide couplers and windows
Slow wave circuit for a traveling wave tube
Slow wave circuit having serially connected contrawound two-turn
Slow wave delay line structure having support rods coated by a d