Structure of tape player/recorder magnetic head cleaner
Structure to achieve sensitivity and linear density in...
Structure to achieve thermally stable high sensitivity and...
Structure/method to form bottom spin valves for ultra-high...
Structure/method to form bottom spin valves for ultra-high...
Structures and materials to stabilize active layers in VGMR...
Studless thin film magnetic head and process for making the same
Submicron thin film inductive head with self-aligned staggered p
Submicron track-width pole-tips for electromagnetic transducers
Substrate for thin-film magnetic head and method of...
Substrate having magnetoresistive elements and monitor...
Sunken electrical lead defined narrow track width magnetic head
Super conducting thin-film magnetic head including a magnetoresi
Superconducting device for reading information from a magnetic r
Superparamagnetic field sensing device
Superparamagnetic field sensing device
Superparamagnetic field sensing devices
Superparamagnetic platelets field sensing devices
Supersensitive magnetoresistive sensor for high density magnetic
Supplementary shield for CPP GMR read head