Self-pinned spin valve sensor having its first AP pinned...
Self-pinned spin valve sensor with a high coercivity...
Self-pinned spin valve sensor with stress modification...
Semiconductor slider with an integral spin valve transistor...
Semiconductor slider with an integral spin valve transistor...
Sensor with improved stabilization and track definition
Sensor with in-stack bias structure providing enhanced...
Sensor with in-stack bias structure providing enhanced...
Sensor with in-stack bias structure providing exchange...
Separate read/write magnetic head
Serpentine resistive shunt for MR heads having conductive...
Shared pole design for reduced thermal pole tip protrusion
Shield design for magnetoresistive sensor
Shield design for stable magnetoresistive head
Shield electrical connections for tunnel valve sensors
Shield in a magnetic device with reduced erase field
Shield stabilization for magnetoresistive sensors
Shield structure design to improve the stability of an MR head
Shielded extraordinary magnetoresistance head
Shielded magnetoresistive head with charge clamp