Waveform equalization circuit for a magnetic reproducing device
Waveform equalizer for signal reproduced from a magnetic recordi
Waveform equalizer for signal reproduced from magnetic recording
Waveform processing system and method for recording digital info
Waveguide apparatus for coupling a high data rate signal to and
Waveshaping circuit for shaping an analog waveform having unequa
Wide bandwidth constant gain peak detector
Wideband radio-frequency broadcast recorder and radio testing sy
Wideband readout of magneto-resistive heads for data storage
WORM magnetic tape with cartridge memory system and method
Write channel equalization level control in magnetic...
Write channel having a preamplifier and a non-uniform...
Write channel having preamplifier and non-uniform...
Write circuit having current mirrors between predriver and write
Write current boosted head amplifier
Write driver circuit for magnetic data storage systems
Write driver circuit for magnetic data storage systems
Write driver circuit for magnetic data storage systems
Write driver circuit having programmable overshoot and...
Write driver with H-switch synchronizing transistors