Enhancing cross-directional stretch and tensile energy absorptio
Exhaust air particulate contamination sensing for tumbler dryers
Flatline method of drying wafers
Flotation dryer unit and method of use
Fluid cylinder retraction locking device
Food dehydrator
Forced convection assisted rapid thermal furnace
Forced gas flow canister dehydration
Forced gas flow canister dehydration
Full heat moving target grain drying system
Fuzzy logic control for an electric clothes dryer
Grain drying system and method
Grain sampler and method for batch grain dryer
Heat recovery and ventilation system for dryers
Heated drying cylinder
Heating oven for dynamo-electric machine component manufacture
Hi-performance desiccant tower
High efficiency heat transfer using asymmetric impinging jet
Hygienic toothbrushing method
Infrared heating apparatus and method for a printing press