Klainetins and their derivatives, method for their...
Klebsiella capsular polysaccharide vaccine
KMST isoeugenol derivatives and pharmaceutical activity
Knockout identification of target-specific sites in peptides
Knockout identification of target-specific sites in peptides
Known and selected novel arylmethylenyl derivatives of thiazolid
Kodaistatins A, B, C and D, a process for their production and t
Kojic acid and esters as insecticide synergists
Kojic acid ether-ester derivatives
Kojic acid ether-ester derivatives
Kojic acid ether-ester derivatives
Kojic dipalmitate skin whitening comestic composition
Kokori fruit-based cosmetic system
Kolla2-desiccated avian sternal cartilage powder
Konjac mannan
Konjak mannan-containing reversible gel
Krill extracts for treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Ku-70-derived Bax-suppressing peptides and use thereof for...