Injectable medicinal compositions
Injectable pharmaceutical preparation for the induction of multi
Injectable, long-acting microparticle formulation for the delive
Insect repellent
Insect-combatting device
Insecticidal compositions for sustained release of 0,0-dimethyl-
Insecticidal evaporator having a diffusion layer of olefin polym
Insecticidal phosphate ester-based solid composition with depot
Intramammary compositions
Intramammary compositions
Iodinated anion exchange resin and process for preparing same
Iodinated resin held to a carrier
Iodine-polyvinylpyrrolidone solid product and method of preparat
Iodine/resin disinfectant and a procedure for the preparation th
Iodine/resin disinfectant and a procedure for the...
Iodine/resin disinfectant and a procedure for the...
Iodophor composition
Ionene polymers and their use as antimicrobial agents
Ionene polymers as anthelmintics in animals
Ionene polymers containing biologically-active anions