Use of IL-12 and IL-12 antagonists in the treatment of...
Use of IL-12 and IL-12 antagonists in the treatment of...
Use of IL-12 antagonists in the treatment of conditions...
Use of IL-12 antagonists in the treatment of rheumatoid...
Use of IL-2 receptor-targeted therapeutics to inhibit allograft
Use of interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor-specific agents to treat al
Use of leukemia inhibitory factor specific antibodies and endoth
Use of ligand-mimicking agents and anti-neoplastic drugs in...
Use of LRH and LRH agonists
Use of lytic toxins and toxin conjugates
Use of lytic toxins and toxin conjugates
Use of modified antibodies with human milk fat globule...
Use of multispecific, non-covalent complexes for targeted...
Use of NOTCH pathway interfering agents for treatment of...
Use of polypeptides as analgesic drugs
Use of polypeptides as analgesic drugs
Use of PTHrP antagonists for treating renal cell carcinoma
Use of selenium-containing compounds for negating the toxic effe
Use of soluble fgl2 as an immunosuppressant
Use of somatostatin in the prevention and cure of vascular, memb