Passive vaccine against Lyme disease
Paste or dough-like salve for treating skin
PD-1, a receptor for B7-4, and uses therefor
PDGFRβ-specific antibodies
Peptide-based passive immunization therapy for treatment of...
Peptides which mimic candida carbohydrate epitopes and their...
Periodontal powder
Periodontal powder containing exsiccated potassium alum
Pesticides for snails
Pharmaceutical and dietary composition
Pharmaceutical and dietary compositions
Pharmaceutical composition suitable for treatment of inflammator
Pharmaceutical compositions
Pharmaceutical compositions of sanguinaria galangal and zinc chl
Pharmaceutical product for the treatment of sepsis
Pharmaceutically active agents that impede the formation of...
Plasmodium falciparum antigens inducing protective antibodies
Platelet-specific chimeric 7E3 immunoglobulin
Polymeric halophors
Polypeptide compounds for inhibiting angiogenesis and tumor...