Method for agglomerating finely divided agglomerative materials
Method for automated de-coking
Method for calcining delayed coke
Method for carbonizing cold-compacted briquettes
Method for carbonizing wastes
Method for coke quenching control
Method for coking coal
Method for controlling combustion in coke oven battery
Method for controlling heat input into a coke oven
Method for cooling and dedusting degasification gases escaping f
Method for cooling and dedusting dry cooled coke
Method for cooling coke and generating superheated high pressure
Method for cooling dustlike or fine-grained solids
Method for determining the end of devolatilizing in a coke oven
Method for dry cooling coke
Method for dry cooling red-hot coke
Method for drying coal and cooling coke
Method for drying low rank coals
Method for evacuating emissions of a coke oven
Method for evaluating the remaining useful life of a hydrocarbon