Method and compositions for producing life-like dental porcelain
Method for bleaching discolored teeth
Method of fabrication of translucent dental restorations without
Method of manufacturing dental restorations
Method of producing low molecular weight chitin/chitosan and...
Method of providing a living person's body with information for
Method of restoring a tooth
Method of restoring a tooth
Methods of dental repair using functionalized nanoparticles
Microcellular ceramic material and process for manufacture there
Mineral tooth with silane-coupled adhesive plastic part
Multiple dental shade guide system
Ornamental film article for dental substrate decoration and dent
Palladium, gallium and copper-free alloy having high thermal exp
Palladium-based dental alloy containing indium and tin
Pontic having an internal ceramic core
Precious metal bonding composition
Precious metal tooth facings
Precision attachments for dental technology capable of being cas
Prefabricated components for dental appliances