Method and device for regulating the speed of a vehicle
Method and device for setting a gear ratio in a motor...
Method and device for setting the vehicle longitudinal...
Method and device for situation-dependent and...
Method and device for stabilizing a vehicle
Method and device for stabilizing a vehicle equipped with a...
Method and device for traction control (TCS) of a motor...
Method and device for triggering a request for taking...
Method and device for variably setting the brake force in a...
Method and device of calculating aircraft braking friction...
Method and device of calculating aircraft braking friction...
Method and driving dynamics control system for stabilizing a...
Method and regulating system for applying defined actuating...
Method and system for classifying vehicle conditions
Method and system for computing a vehicle body slip angle in...
Method and system for consistent braking control
Method and system for continued vehicle control in an adaptive s
Method and system for controlling a drivetrain retarder
Method and system for controlling a motive power system of...
Method and system for controlling a vehicle