System and method for generating, capturing, and managing...
System and method for group advertisement optimization
System and method for identification and notification of...
System and method for identifying optimal marketing offers
System and method for improved matrix management of...
System and method for improving the effectiveness of web...
System and method for improving the performance of...
System and method for incentive programs and award fulfillment
System and method for incentive programs and award fulfillment
System and method for increasing the effectiveness of...
System and method for indexing travel accommodations in a...
System and method for integrating a message into a graphical env
System and method for interactive contests
System and method for interactive marketing using networked...
System and method for interpreting market forces and...
System and method for interpreting market forces and...
System and method for inverted promotions
System and method for inverted promotions
System and method for inverted promotions
System and method for large scale survey analysis