System for managing equipment, services and service provider...
System for managing services and service provider agreements
System for modifying and targeting advertising content of...
System for offering targeted discounts to customers and...
System for planning a new product portfolio
System for propagating advertisements for market controlled...
System for providing a reverse star schema data model
System for rewarding viewers of interactive commercial...
System for tracking consumer exposure and for exposing consumers
System method and article of manufacture for internet based...
System to monitor irregular activity
System to provide consumer preference information
System to quantify consumer preferences
System, method and apparatus for coupon processing and booklet
System, method and computer program product for collecting...
System, method and computer program product for short-range...
System, method and computer readable medium for acquiring...
System, method and computer readable medium for acquiring...
System, method, and code for providing promotions in a...
System, method, and code for providing promotions in a...