Caching the results of security policy functions
CAD information management system and CAD information...
CAD system for team-based design for managing undo and redo...
Calculating and storing data structures including using...
Calculating image similarity using extracted data
Calculating list
Calculating recovery time of an application system
Calculation engine for use in OLAP environments
Calendar incorporating document retrieval interface
Calendar-driven application technique for preparing...
Calendar-enhanced awareness for instant messaging systems...
Calendar-enhanced awareness for instant messaging systems...
Calendar-enhanced directory searches including dynamic...
Calibration and profile based synopses error estimation and...
Camera device, methods and program products for location and...
Candidate chaser
Canonicalization of terms in a keyword-based presentation...
Canonicalization of terms in a keyword-based presentation...
Canonicalization of terms in a keyword-based presentation...
Capture, aggregation and/or visualization of structural data...