Large margin perceptrons for document categorization
Large memory storage and retrieval (LAMSTAR) network
Large-scale information collection and mining
Large-scale information collection and mining
Learning control apparatus, learning control method, and...
Learning method and apparatus for a causal network
Learning method generating small size neurons for data...
Learning methods in binary systems
Learning procedure for multi-level neural network
Learning process for a neural network
Learning system for a data processing apparatus
Linear associative memory-based hardware architecture for...
Load prediction based on-line and off-line training of...
Locally connected neural network with improved feature vector
Logic arrangement, data structure, system and method for...
Logic arrangement, data structure, system and method for...
Long-term memory neural network modeling memory-chaining...
Low complexity classification from a single unattended...
Low memory decision tree
Low-voltage, very-low-power conductance mode neuron