Acoustically-controlled access control installation and an...
Acousto-optic coupler for glide slope control systems
Acousto-optical device for removing bubble pulse from reflected
Active cell crosspoint switch
Active RF tag with wake-up circuit to prolong battery life
Active RFID tag with new use automatic updating
Active transponder with means allowing the maximum...
Active wireless network for calculators
Actuating a security system using a wireless device
Actuating a security system using a wireless device
Actuation device
Adaptation of the transmission power of an electromagnetic...
Adapter for adapting signal lamp systems of towed and towing veh
Address selection for an I2C bus
Advanced personal identification systems and techniques
Advanced remote operation system
Advertiser pays information and messaging system, apparatus...
Aerodynamic surface load sensing
Air conditioner and address setting method in air conditioner
Air cushion actuation and monitoring circuit