Method of reducing effects of a rough sea surface on seismic...
Method, system and apparatus producing powerful seismic energy i
Methods and apparatus for phase angle demodulation
Methods for ultrasonic/vibration detection using polarization be
Methods, systems and apparatus for measuring acoustic pressure
Micro-grooves for the design of wideband clinical ultrasonic tra
Micro-machined ultrasonic transducer array
Microbending fiber optic acoustic sensor
Microfabricated acoustic transducer with suppressed...
Microfabricated ultrasonic immersion transducer
Microfabricated ultrasonic transducer with suppressed...
Microwave system for particle and shock velocity measurement in
Midrange ultrasonic transducer
Miniature low frequency acoustic transmitter
Modification to towed array bulkheads
Modular airgun array method, apparatus and system
Modular airgun array method, apparatus and system
Moment bender transducer
Moment bender transducer drive
Monolaminar piezoelectric bender bar