Acousto-optic mode-locked laser
Active-mode-locking optical-fiber laser generator
Actively mode-locked fiber laser with controlled chirp output
Amplitude noise reduction for optically pumped modelocked lasers
Anti-guided phase-locked array and manufacturing method therefor
Antiresonant nonlinear mirror for passive laser modelocking
Apparatus and method for initializing an optical-fiber laser for
Apparatus and method for wavelength-locked loops for systems...
Apparatus for producing femtosecond and picosecond pulses from m
Apparatus, system, and method for frequency stabilized...
Automated single longitudinal mode locking system
Bandwidth enhancement and broadband noise reduction in injection
Carrier-suppressed optical pulse train generation method and...
Compact optical pulse source
Compound-cavity, high-power, modelocked semiconductor laser
Controllabel dual-wavelength operation of modelocked lasers
Device and process for mode-locking a laser
Device for a method of pulsing and amplifying singlemode...
Digital control of actively mode-locked lasers
Dispersion compensation for ultrashort pulse generation in tunea