Pulse oscillating gas laser device
Pulsed discharge gas laser having non-integral supply reservoir
Pulsed gas laser using acoustic diodes for circulation of the ga
Pulsed gas lasers having flexible exit gas lines
Pulsed gas-discharge laser
Pulsed laser and method
Pulsed RF high pressure CO 2 lasers
Pump assembly for a gas discharge laser
Pumping light source for laser-active media
Purely chemical process yielding continuous laser amplification
Purge monitoring system for gas discharge laser
Purification of laser gases
Pushbroom spectrographic imager
Q-switched cavity dumped CO2 laser for material processing
Rare gas-halogen excimer laser
Rare gas-halogen excimer lasers with baffles
Rare-gas hydrogen-halide excimer laser with hydrogen additive
Rare-gas-halide laser performance by the use of two halogen dono
Recessed helical electrode structure in a gas laser
Recirculating gas laser