Systems and methods for controlling transient response in...
Systems and methods for creating and using a conditioning...
Systems and methods for data compression such as content...
Systems and methods for data conversion
Systems and methods for decoding compressed data
Systems and methods for decoding compressed data
Systems and methods for decoding compressed data
Systems and methods for digital control utilizing oversampling
Systems and methods for digital control utilizing oversampling
Systems and methods for digital upconversion for television...
Systems and methods for efficient and compact encoding
Systems and methods for enumerative encoding and decoding of...
Systems and methods for generating key press status messages wit
Systems and methods for identifying long matches of data in...
Systems and methods for implementing a sample rate converter...
Systems and methods for kickback reduction in an ADC
Systems and methods for minimizing delay in a control path
Systems and methods for minimizing delay in a control path
Systems and methods for mismatch cancellation in switched...
Systems and methods for mixing domains in signal processing