Segmented high speed and high resolution digital-to-analog...
Segmented optics circuit drive for closed loop fiber optic...
Segmented resistor string digital-to-analog converters
Segmented sawtooth generator
Segmented, current-mode digital-to-analog converter
Segmentwise operating digital-to-analog converter
Seismic data acquisition system
Selectable intermediate frequency sigma-delta analog-to-digital
Selectable real time sample triggering for a plurality of...
Selectable reference voltage circuit for a digital-to-analog con
Selecting circuit, digital/analog converter and...
Selection apparatus
Selective analog-to-digital conversion for a digital pixel...
Selective digital integrator
Selective noise generator
Selective over-ranging in folding and averaging integrated...
Self calibrating current mirror and digital to analog converter
Self-adapting tracking analogue-to-digital converter and RF...
Self-biasing, low voltage, multiplying DAC
Self-calibrating video digital to analog converter