Diamond sintered compact wherein crystal particles are uniformly
Diamond synthesis
Diamond synthesis
Diamond synthesis
Diamond synthesis from silicon carbide
Diamond synthesis process
Diamond uses/applications based on single-crystal CVD...
Diamond-carbon material and a method for the production thereof
Diamond-like metallic nanocomposites
Diamondoid-based components in nanoscale construction
Diamondoid-containing field emission devices
Diamondoid-containing materials for passivating layers in...
Diamondoid-containing thermally conductive materials
Direct growth of nanotubes, and their use in nanotweezers
Direct process route to organometallic containing pitches for sp
Direct synthesis of long single-walled carbon nanotube strands
Directed flow method and system for bulk separation of...
Directional assembly of carbon nanotube strings
Dispersion and separation of nanostructured carbon in...
Dispersions and solutions of fluorinated single-wall carbon...