Reactive triazinyl dyestuffs
Reactive xylylene diphosphonic acid dyes
Reactive yellow dye having both monochlorotriazinyl and vinylsul
Reactor effluent quench system
Reactor for contacting gases and a particulate solid
Reagent for electroncapture detection and tertiary amines
Reagent suitable for enzyme immuno assay
Reagents for measuring lipase activity
Rear projection screens
Recirculation telomerization process and its liquid telomers and
Reclaim oil for digester process for rubber reclaiming
Reclaimed plastic material
Reclaiming waste plastics
Reclamation of fluoropolymers
Reclamation processing of polyvinyl chloride-scrap materials and
Reclamation processing of vinyl chloride polymer containing mate
Recombinant hormonal compositions and method
Recording material
Recovering anhydrous acrylic acid
Recovering maleic anhydride from the effluent from the productio