Bacillus circulans based biological indicator for gaseous steril
Bacillus strain and antibiotic screening method
Bacillus strain and antibiotic screening method
Bacillus strain and assay methods
Bacillus strain and sporulation assay method
Bacillus subtilis siderophore genes
Bacteria and bacteriophage detection using immobilized...
Bacteria counting method
Bacteria counting method
Bacteria detection using immobilized enzyme substrates
Bacteria growing device
Bacteria identification method and apparatus
Bacterial control of Fusarium dry rot of potatoes
Bacterial screening system with enhanced shelf life
Bacterial spore detection and quantification methods
Bacterial vaginosis screening technique and a diagnostic kit...
Bacteriophage assay
Betaines as adjuvants to susceptibility testing and...
Bioassay for environmental quality
Biochemical oxygen demand analyzer and methods of analysis using