Dense anodes of lithium alloys for all solid batteries
Depolarizers for lithium halide batteries
Dioxolane as a proctector for lithium electrodes
Direct cast lead alloy strip for expanded metal battery...
Discharge promoter mixture for reducing cell swelling in alkali
Disposable lithium batteries
Divalent silver oxide cell including cadmium and tellunium
Divalent silver oxide for use in primary cell and manufacturing
Doped positive-electrode material in electrochemical cells
Doped titanium oxide additives
Doping of carbon foams for use in energy storage devices
Double current collector cathode design for alkali metal...
Double current collector cathode design using chemically...
Double current collector cathode design using the same...
Double current collector positive electrode for alkali metal...
Dry cell
Dry electric cells
Dual chemistry electrode design
Dual connection tab current collector
Dust reduction for electrode plates