Ultraviolet-curing composition, prepreg sheet containing the sam
Ultraviolet-initiated preparation of N,N-dibutyl-9(10)-dibutylph
Un-crosslinked polymeric media for electrophoresis
Unbalanced magnetron sputtering with auxiliary cathode
Unbalanced plasma generating apparatus having cylindrical...
Under water cable system having an earthing electrode
Underground backfill for magnesium anodes
Underlayer doping in thin film magnetic recording media
Ungelled polyepoxide-polyoxyalkylenepolyamine resins, aqueous di
Unidirectional field generator
Uniform film thickness deposition of sputtered materials
Uniform laser excitation and detection in capillary array...
Uniform plasma etching system
Uniformly irradiated polymer film
Unique passivation technique for a CVD blocker plate to...
Unit cell for alkali chloride metal aqueous solution...
Unit for measuring alkali metal vapor concentration
Unit for the treatment of electrophoretic strips
Unitary central cell element for depolarized, filter press elect
Unitary central cell element for filter press electrolysis cell