Integrated devices and method of use for performing...
Integrated nucleic acid diagnostic device
Integrated nucleic acid diagnostic device
Integrated packaging holder device for immunochromatographic ass
Integrated packaging-holder device for immunochromatographic ass
Integrated thermal coupling for heat generating device
Integrated time-temperature or radiation-dosage history recordin
Integrated-optical sensor and method for...
Intelligent electro-optical sensor array and method for...
Intelligent polymerized crystalline colloidal array...
Intensified neutral loss tags and use thereof in mass...
Interactive system for presenting and eliminating substances
Interactive system for presenting and eliminating substances
Interdigitated electrode arrays for liposome-enhanced immunoassa
Interdigitated electrode arrays for liposome-enhanced immunoassa
Interface system for isotopic analysis of hydrogen
Interference-eliminating membranes, test strips, kits and...
Interligand metal transfer assay
Intermittent electrolytic packed bed suppressor regeneration for
Intermittent electrolytic packed bed suppressor regeneration for