Separation device for microparticles involving a magnetic rod
Separation device for microparticles involving a magnetic rod
Separation of magnetic microparticles involving a preconcentrati
Sheet-like diagnostic device
Sialic acid glycosides, antigens, immunoadsorbents, and methods
Simple immunochemical semi-quantitative assay method and...
Simple immunochemical semi-quantitative assay method and...
Simple membrane assay method and kit
Simple method for quantitative measuring the adhesion of...
Simultaneous isolation and quantitation of DNA
Simultaneous multiple assays
Simultaneous particle separation and chemical reaction
Simultaneous particle separation and chemical reaction
Sol capture immunoassay kit and procedure
Sol particle decay protection immunoassay
Sol-gel matrices for direct colorimetric detection of analytes
Sol-gel matrices for direct colorimetric detection of analytes
Solid phase and combinatorial synthesis of compounds on a solid
Solid phase assay for detection of ligands
Solid phase assay for detection of ligands