Radially activated thermocouple assembly
Radiant energy collector
Radiant energy to electric energy converter
Radiation hardened P-I-N and N-I-P solar cells
Radiation hardened semiconductor photovoltaic generator
Radiation hardened solar cell
Radiation responsive current generating cell and method of formi
Radiation shields for aspirating pyrometers
Radioelectrochemical energy converter
Rapid response thermocouple probe having replaceable thermocoupl
Rapid response, removably affixable thermocouple
Rare-earth-metal-based thermoelectric compositions
Rechargeable battery enclosure
Rechargeable battery which combats shape change of the zinc anod
Rechargeable battery with current limiting means
Rechargeable battery with zinc negative and dendrite barrier
Rechargeable electrodes utilizing unsintered fluorocarbon binder
Rechargeable galvanic cell
Rechargeable galvanic cell and electrolyte therefor-II
Rechargeable mercury electrode