Attitude control of spinning spacecraft with counterspun...
Attitude control process and device for a spacecraft to be rotat
Attitude control system
Attitude control system for a three-axis stabilized satellite es
Attitude control system for momentum-biased spacecraft
Attitude control system for spacecraft utilizing the thruster pl
Attitude control system for three-axis stabilized satellite in n
Attitude control system with reaction wheel friction compensatio
Attitude control systems for space vehicles
Attitude determination system and method
Attitude determination system for artificial satellite
Attitude pointing error correction system and method for geosync
Attitude stabilization and control of dual-spin spacecraft
Automatic compliant capture and docking mechanism for spacecraft
Autonomous on-board satellite control system
Autonomous satellite docking system
Autonomous satellite docking system
Autonomous solar torque management
Autonomous spacecraft payload base motion estimation and correct
Autonomous spacecraft safing with reaction wheels