N-R control valve of a hydraulic control system for automatic tr
Narrow tolerance range slip clutch
Nested piston hydraulic operator for automatic transmission
Neutral control apparatus and method for a vehicle with an...
Neutral control device of automatic transmission
Neutral position detent for synchronizer
Neutral pump-out for automatic washer
Neutral-type electromagnetic clutch-brake unit
Neutralizing mechanism for a hydrostatic transmission
New or improved torque limiting clutch
Nitrocarburized component for an electromagnetic friction clutch
No feedback steering system
No-back device
No-back mechanism
No-play ratchet construction
Noise and vibration reduction in a torque converter clutch assem
Noise and vibration reduction in a torque converter clutch assem
Noise reducing clutch disengagement
Noise suppression device for constant running clutch release bea
Non-backdriveable free wheeling coupling