Dancer arm for constant tension
Dancer roll mechanism and web feeding apparatus...
Dereeler for selectively feeding coiled stock into an associated
Despooled filament tension control device
Device and method for controlling the tension of a weblike...
Device for controlling length of paper pulled from a wound roll
Device for detecting and/or adjusting a tensile force in a yarn
Device for discharging webs
Device for modulated braking of a weft yarn for textile...
Device for processing at least two webs of material made of pape
Device for the attachment of a card clothing with a force...
Device for the attachment of a card clothing with a force...
Device for winding conical bobbins at a constant yarn...
Dispenser apparatus and method
Dispenser apparatus for dispensing paper sheet material
Dispenser for multiple rolls of sheet material
Dispenser handle for rolls of flexible sheeting material
Dispensing apparatus and method
Dispensing machine for wipe material with the reel in a...
Doppler triangulation transmitter location system