Ball sealer diversion of matrix rate treatments of a well
Ball seat having ball support member
Ball seat with controlled releasing pressure and method setting
Ball switch device and method
Ballistically compatible backpressure valve
Bar actuated vent assembly
Bar actuated vent assembly and perforating gun
Barrier orifice valve for gas lift
Barrier orifice valve for gas lift
Base-pipe flow control mechanism
Batch method of in situ steam generation
Bearing mounted ball valve and method of use
Below fracture pressure pulsed gel injection method
Bentonite nodules
Bi-directional ball seat system and method
Bi-directional ball seat system and method
Bi-directional explosive transfer apparatus and method
Bi-directional explosive transfer subassembly and method for...
Bi-directional fluid loss device and method
Bi-directional grip mechanism for a wide range of bore sizes