Secondary recovery method and system using solar energy and conc
Secondary recovery of oil by steam stimulation plus the producti
Self-leaving in-situ device and method for passively...
Single horizontal well process for solvent/solute stimulation
Single pass filtration of oil or gas well completion fluids
Solvent stimulation of viscous oil via a horizontal wellbore
Sour gas injection for use with in situ heat treatment
Steam generation from low quality feedwater
Steam injection process for recovering heavy oil
Sub-sea membrane separation system with temperature control
Subsea flow enhancer
Substantially self-powered method and apparatus for recovering h
Subterranean remediation pump and process for use
Surfactant waterflood method for the recovery of oil
System and a method for prediction and treatment of slugs...
System and a method of extracting oil
System and method for bleeding off pressure following...
System and method for removing solid particulates from a...
System for producing de-watered oil