Dual quadrature branchline in-phase power combiner and power spl
Dual referenced microstrip
Dual section distributed parameter delay-line
Dual septum waveguide transducer
Dual sidestepping SWIF and method
Dual sidewall coupled orthomode transducer having septum...
Dual TM mode composite resonator
Dual TM-mode dielectric resonator apparatus equipped with window
Dual track low-loss reflective saw filter
Dual track SAW reflector filter using weighted reflective...
Dual-band bandpass filter
Dual-band bandpass filter with stepped-impedance resonators
Dual-band circular polarizer
Dual-band electromagnetic coupler
Dual-band filter
Dual-band multilayer bandpass filter
Dual-band nonreversible circuit device comprising two nonreversi
Dual-coupled monolithic crystal element for modifying response o
Dual-frequency matching circuit
Dual-frequency matching circuit