High-frequency module, transmitter-receiver, and method of...
Hybrid mode stirred and mode tuned chamber
Hybrid resonator
Inductance coil for telecommunication system and method of makin
Integrated resonance circuit consisting of a parallel...
Interdigital slow-wave coplanar transmission line resonator...
Internal bi-metallic temperature compensating device for tuned c
Laminated electronic component with trimmable parallel electrode
Laser tunable thick film microwave resonator for printed...
LC-type dielectric strip line resonator
Lockable tuning mechanism with reduced backlash
Loop coupled microwave cavity
Loop coupled YIG resonator
Loop-gap resonator network
Low-cost, low-noise, temperature-stable, tunable dielectric reso
Low-loss dielectric resonator having a lattice structure with a
Lumped-mode resonator
Magnetic apparatus including thin film YIG resonator
Magnetic circuit for an yttrium-iron garnet crystal resonator fo
Magnetically tunable dielectric resonator having a magnetically