Manually adjustable attenuator
Matched microwave variable attenuator
Mechanical structure for mounting microwave diode packages
Method and apparatus for microstrip termination
Method of constructing dielectric resonator unit and dielectric
Microstrip "T" type attenuator network
Microstrip device having mode suppressing means
Microwave attenuator
Microwave attenuator
Microwave attenuator
Microwave attenuator
Microwave attenuator having compensating inductive element
Microwave digitally controlled solid-state attenuator having par
Microwave semiconductor variable attenuation circuit
Microwave step attenuator
Microwave switching with illuminated field effect transistors
Microwave tuning screw assembly having positive shorting
Microwave variable attenuator
Millimeter wave microstrip surface mounted attenuator
Miniature microwave and millimeter wave tunable circuit