Boring unit for complex parts, particularly for door...
Cutting tool having variable movement at two simultaneously...
Cutting tool having variable movement at two simultaneously...
Cutting tool having variable movement in a z-direction...
Cutting tool having variable movement in a z-direction...
Cutting tool having variable rotation about a y-direction...
Device for holding and operating a facing head
Elliptical manway cutter
End prep facing machine
End prep tool and tool centering and mounting system for use...
Facing head with mass balancing
Method for using a cutting tool having variable movement at...
Multi-station machine with rotating transfer for machining...
Multi-station machine with rotating transfer for machining...
Positioning device having static fluid bearings
Precision tool holder with flexure-adjustable, three degrees...
Precision tool holder with flexure-adjustable, three degrees...
Radial feed facing head for boring bar
Rotatable tool head