Data acquisition device using radio frequency identification...
Data carrier having indication means for indicating a change...
De-iced total air temperature sensor
Decal with multiple concealing features that selectively...
Detachable electronic pacifier thermometer
Detachable pacifier with electronic thermometer
Detection and recognition of objects by multispectral sensing
Detection apparatus for measuring fluid in a vessel
Detection device and process for detecting a temperature of...
Detection of hot and cold spots in chemical reactors
Detector device for evaluating the thermal comfort conditions in
Detector-transducer for sensing temperatures in an engine
Determination of substrate temperature used during oxygen implan
Determination of virgin formation temperature
Determining temperature of a physical medium using remote...
Determining the difference between the temperature of a liquid f
Determining the temperature of an exhaust gas sensor by...
Device and method for dark current noise temperature sensing...
Device and method for determining total temperature for...