Reinforced heddle frame slat and method
Reinforced loom shuttle and method
Reinforcement of resilient articles
Reinforcing fabric for belts
Reinforcing fabrics
Releasable heald rod to heald frame fastener
Releasable heddle rod connector
Relief means for the drive mechanisms of components alternatingl
Removable plastic heddle with mating insertion tool for...
Removable plug for pipe junction, and method and apparatus for i
Removal device for a waste weft
Removal of a weft thread in a series shed weaving machine
Removing waste selvage from woven fabric
Repair of broken weft threads using plural yarn supply packages
Repair part for magazine tip guide of loom winder
Reserve weft thread supply mechanism with device for changing th
Retoolable trough-shaped spreader table for an air loom
Retractor apparatus for a weft-inserting projectile in a weaving
Return device for the projectile of a gripper projectile weaving
Reversible beater reed for a weaving loom