Device for indirectly forwarding messages in data and/or...
Device for inducing a wink in a telephone system
Device for lifting a handset
Device for limiting the working voltage for mechanical switches
Device for limiting the working voltage mechanical switches in t
Device for making videotape recording reservations over a teleph
Device for managing voice data automatically linking marked mess
Device for manufacturing liquid crystal display panel
Device for measuring analog telephony signals
Device for measuring echo return loss in a two-two wire line sys
Device for mobile telephones
Device for monitoring a switch
Device for mounting a telecommunications device for the deaf in
Device for multimedia communication
Device for optimizing the circuit switching capacity of a...
Device for processing digital signal in audio-frequency bandwidt
Device for processing echo, particularly acoustic echo in a tele
Device for programming script sets in a telephone system
Device for protecting electrical apparatus and the operator when
Device for providing dual monitoring of digital equipment