System and method for billing communications services...
System and method for billing telephone calls
System and method for blocking uncollectible random traffic...
System and method for call tracking
System and method for charge number/calling party number switch
System and method for charging in a communication network
System and method for completing telephone calls to emergency te
System and method for conducting poll at a processor associated
System and method for controlling a telecommunication network in
System and method for controlling data sessions in a...
System and method for controlling outbound and inbound calls in
System and method for controlling outgoing telephone calls
System and method for cost estimation of a long distance call
System and method for creating a billing record with a...
System and method for creating a call detail record
System and method for creating a call usage record
System and method for creating a page usage record
System and method for creating and accessing outgoing...
System and method for creating and accessing outgoing...
System and method for creating and accessing outgoing...