Implementing and selecting between virtual private wireless...
Implementing generic cell global identity for unlicensed...
Implementing hardware/software reset using PC card W...
Implementing method for adding monetary value of mobile...
Implementing number portability using a flexible numbering regis
Implementing RF power measurements in a broadband...
Implementing simultaneous calls in a telecommunications network
Implicit emergency registration set
Improved multiple site communication system
Improved registration in cellular radio telecommunications syste
Improving the efficiency of power amplifiers in devices...
Impulse metering of local telephone switching offices via a DAMA
Impulse noise blanker
Impulse noise blanking apparatus
Impulse noise rejection circuit and satellite communications...
Impulse waveform generating apparatus
Impulse waveform generating apparatus
IMSI conversion method
In-band and out-of-band signal detection for automatic gain...
In-band audio signaling