Adaptive echo cancellation for an on-frequency RF repeater...
Apparatus and method for high-speed determination of received RF
Apparatus and method for preventing oscillations in a radio...
Booster with detectable boost operation
Communication network
Communication system and apparatus
Communication system to communication system communication syste
Communications repeater monitoring system
Detection and elimination of oscillation within cellular...
Direct mode repeater in a mobile radio system
Discrete power level coding for indicating uplink mobile...
Diversity repeater diagnostic method and apparatus
Error detecting device for a radio blind zone system
Fail-soft architecture for public trunking system
High-frequency signal booster
Land mobile radio system having a cell in which mobile radios tr
Local orderwire facility for fiber optic communication system
Measuring and controlling signal feedback between the transmit a
Mechanism for deriving accurate frequency reference for satellit
Method and apparatus employing wireless remote loopback...