Catalysts which stabilize hydrohalocarbon blowing agent in polyu
Catalytic process for the preparation of phosphazene polymers
Catalytic process for the preparation of phosphazene polymers
Cell openers for urethane foam surfactants
Cell regulators in structural foams
Cell specific, variable density, polymer microspheres
Cellular contact adhesive films having improved bond strength
Cellular elastomeric foams and method of production using an exp
Cellular forming agent in resinous systems and resulting product
Cellular intumescent materials
Cellular plastic additive
Cellular plastic material
Cellular polymer containing perforated cell windows and a proces
Cellular polymer containing perforated cell windows and a proces
Cellular polymer containing perforated cell windows and a proces
Cellular polyurethane elastomers
Cellular products based on halocarboxylic acid-modified polyisoc
Cellular products derived from phenol/formaldehyde resoles
Cellular thermoset poly (dicyclopentadiene)
Cellular thermoset poly(dicyclopentadiene)