Absorbent body for hygiene articles
Absorbent body for hygiene articles
Absorbent body having hydrophobic insert
Absorbent body in an absorbent article, such as a sanitary napki
Absorbent body in an absorbent product
Absorbent body in an absorbent product
Absorbent body which includes cavities
Absorbent body with fluid transport means
Absorbent body with semipermeable membrane
Absorbent body with two different superabsorbents
Absorbent brief
Absorbent cellulosic structures
Absorbent components having a fluid acquisition zone
Absorbent components having a sustained acquisition rate...
Absorbent composite
Absorbent composite
Absorbent composite and disposable absorbent garment comprising
Absorbent composite article having fluid acquisition sub-layer
Absorbent composite having fibrous bands
Absorbent composite sheet and absorbent article using the same