Transesophageal and transnasal, transesophageal ultrasound...
Transesophageal magnetic resonance analysis method and...
Transesophageal medical lead
Transesophageal probe with improved control panel
Transesophageal ultrasound probe having a rotating endoscope...
Transesophageal ultrasound probe having a rotating endoscope...
Transesophageal ultrasound probe with expandable scanhead
Transesophageal ultrasound probe with imaging element...
Transesophageal ultrasound probe with motor in the tip for...
Transfer needle safety apparatus
Transient event mapping in the heart
Transilluminating catheter
Transillumination imaging instrumentation with scattered...
Transillumination of body members for protection during body...
Transilluminator device
Transilluminator light shield
Transit time thermodilution guidewire system for measuring...
Transmission assembly for a surgical biopsy device
Transmission line techniques for MRI catheter coil...
Transmission of optimized pulse waveforms for ultrasonic...